One of the most often asked questions of our church is, “What Bible do you use?” We answer unapologetically, “the King James Bible.” More and more individual Christians and unfortunately Bible-believing churches are forsaking the King James Bible in favor of the more modern translations. A desire exists to forsake the King James Bible (KJB) for the more “modern” translations such as the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the New International Version (NIV), or even the New King James Version (NKJV). The argument is put forward that the more modern translations are easier to read because the translations update the language and leave out all those “thee’s” and “thou’s.” Another argument tries to say that the new translations are more accurate than the KJB. Lighthouse Baptist Church whole-heartedly disagrees with these and any arguments that claim that these translations are more accurate than the KJB. It is the position of Lighthouse Baptist Church to reject these arguments and these translations, and to confidently say that we use the King James Bible exclusively in all services, ministries, or activities associated with our ministry. Before we can accurately state what we believe about the Bible, we must first establish some definitions of the terminology that we intend to use. These definitions will aid the reader in a clearer understanding of the position that will be explained.
- Inspiration – is that process by which “God breathed” or wrote the books of the Bible by holy men of God, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, in such a definite way that their writings were supernaturally and verbally inspired and free from error, as no other writings have ever been or ever will be inspired. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter1:19-21)
- PLENARY INSPIRATION – is the view that the entire Bible is inspired.
- VERBAL INSPIRATION – is the view that “God-breathed” extends to the choice of the Words of Scripture. It asserts that the God-breathed truth was grasped by God-appointed men who were guided by the Holy Spirit in their selection of Words.
- PRESERVATION – is the view that God will, and has, preserved His Word in pure form, including the most minute details (the jots and tittles), and that this would include the whole Scriptures, Old and New Testaments. The Biblical doctrine of preservation is verbal, plenary preservation, which is the only reasonable view in light of the Biblical doctrine of the verbal, plenary, inspiration of the Writings.
- INERRANCY – is the view that the Bible is without error; that the Bible is correct in every statement it makes. The Bible reports and identifies errors accurately, of course, but it does not perpetrate them.
- INFALLIBILITY – is the view that the Bible is effective in everything it does. When the Bible is used, it always works. It never fails us. The Bible is incapable of error.